Guess it's just back to the mundane world of a SAHM. Kids were sick for most of November, with two separate viruses, then my husband got the flu, so no Thanksgiving for us this year. Oh well. You win some you lose some. I, however, miraculously dodged being sick (probably because I got my flu shot -- hello common sense!) so I got to take care of everyone but at least I wasn't sick while I was doing it. Why is it that husbands don't get the flu shot again? That, asking for directions, and cleaning toilets come to mind too -- I just don't get what keeps them from doing these things.
Ahhh...gender differences. Where to start....I wasn't sure I believed in the whole gender thing before kids. Being a girl doesn't automatically mean you like pink, princesses, pretend make-up and handbags. Being a boy doesn't mean you like blue, playing sports, setting things on fire or randomly destroying things.
Well I have kids now - one boy and one girl -- and I am completely blown away by how this estrogen and testosterone stuff plays out before you even get a chance to make an impression on a kid.
I am not a girly-girl. So my daughter is not watching me blow-dry my hair or put make-up on, and I don't even own a handbag. Seriously. (Why do you think I'm not on facebook? No one needs to see the hot mess that is behind this blog). I wear more black than is probably appropriate for a regular person not to mention a mother with two small kids at a holiday party. And I'm pretty sure I'm the only one at the park sporting a Primus t-shirt for christsake -- so let's just say -- she's not getting her lady-like cues from me. But sure enough -- pink and purple are her favorite colors, she has a tiny patent leather handbag that says "Paris" on it (you know because real ladies buy their shit in Paris), and she has a variety of flavored chap sticks that she constantly applies to her adorable little face (it does look a little creepy when she's all lubed up with no where to go but what the hell's the point of being a kid if you can't eat/wear too much chap stick?) She is extremely in-tune with other people's emotions or well-being ("You feelin' ok Bumpa? (Bumpa = grandpa)", "You gotta boo-boo?", "Does it hurt?", "Here, let me fix it for you", "You're going to be ok Mummy, don't cry"), she hates loud noises, likes things to be in their place all orderly and tucked away. She even has a set of fake keys that she uses to "lock" her stuff up in a kitchen cabinet. She takes good care of her babies and tells mommy, daddy and Ronan to "be quiet, the baby's sleepin'." It's all very sweet, sensitive, orderly, and thoughtful.
My son, on the other hand, while a short 18 months younger than my daughter, literally does not give an S.H.I.T. For realz. I get that he's younger and can't talk quite yet and if you've seen the video of him -- you know he's still not walking -- but he is like a tornado of destruction compared to his girly-girl older sister. Loves making huge messes and destroying stuff. This kid is SO LOUD and absolutely loves to hear himself talk (geez, I wonder where he gets that from?) He does not care if you are singing a sweet lullaby to him or trying to engage him in a little baby talk. Oh, no. It's his way or the highway and it is a SUPER LOUD HIGHWAY this kid is on. He's not fussy or crying. He's happy as a clam. Just babbling away but at a volume level like he's an old man who's not wearing his hearing aids. We're also pretty sure he's an ESL learner and that Portuguese is his first language. I have one friend who speaks Portuguese -- maybe she can tell me what the hell he's going on and on about. When he's not
But how weird is it that boys and girls are so different? So naturally, nature vs. nurture, different?
Before I had kids -- I was always defending my sex: Woman aren't THAT crazy, I'd say....We should be more respected for our emotions, how we feel and how we see the world from a more emotional standpoint. And then I would go on-and-on about how completely flummoxed and annoyed I was by my male counterparts and how unemotional, unempathetic, and kind of basic-common-sense clueless they seemed to be. Now I get it. I have a daughter going through the terrible two's and a son who's becoming a toddler. The little people that live in my house have definitely taught me a thing or two about this gender stuff.
My daughter has taught me that chicks are legitimately crazy. Like naturally born crazy, over emotional, temporarily psychotic hot messes. It's true. You guys were right. I can't believe I'm admitting this but we have NO IDEA what we were are talking about. And in the heat of the moment? For get it. Our emotions definitely get in the way of any logic, and we can totally lose our minds temporarily and then somehow pull a 180 and become the sweetest nicest person ever and literally not remember what just happened two minutes before. And my daughter doesn't even have her period yet. Great.
My son has taught me that guys aren't ignoring you because they are actually trying to get under your skin on purpose and make you feel like you're not worth the five minutes of attention you are asking for. Oh no. They are sincerely 100% percent just born not giving a shit. It's not that they are cruel, mean, and don't care about you -- they just don't know enough to even care. And while they still get paid more than we do, and remain the superior gender somehow -- they are about two clicks away from living in a cave crow magnum style. Instead of coming equipped with the emotional sensitivities of a woman -- they operate on a much more simpler less complicated level-- where loud noises, the sound of their own voice, and banging two things together is more in their wheelhouse than checking on everyone's boo-boo's and maintaining proper lip hydration. Having less emotional sensitivity to things allows them to be highly functioning in the logic arena. Something us ladies just can't seem to maintain consecutively for more than 28 days at a time (damn you, hormones).
So, when Haven is laughing one second and then crying the next, and I can't even decipher through the alligator tears and desperation cry what is actually the problem, or what even started these dramatics in the first place -- when nothing will soothe her and it's clearly gone beyond any logic at all -- I realize I'm not only learning a lot about her -- but a lot about myself too.
And when Ronan doesn't really care that I'm singing him a lullaby, or giving him a little I-love-you snuggle and instead seems to have clearly diagnosable attention deficit disorder and would rather throw everything he can get his hands on as far back behind the refrigerator as he can get -- and then laughs in my face when I try to reprimand him....I realize that his way of showing me love, affection and happiness in general -- is just different. That's just who he is.
And here I just thought us women were getting the bad wrap for being over emotional (which we are) and men lack empathy and emotional sensitivity (which they do).
Guess it really is true that baby men are from mars and baby women are from venus.
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